Monday, December 31, 2012


Indian Capital Markets in reaction to the global sentiments affected by the much said major issue of Fiscal Cliff in US. But the buzzing question is what is Fiscal Cliff and what will be the material impact in global as well as Indian markets.

Let us find what is "Fiscal Cliff" ?

The Fiscal Cliff Explained
“Fiscal cliff” is the popular shorthand term used to  
 describe the conundrum that the U.S. government will  
face at the end of 2012, when the terms of the Budget 
Control Act of 2011 are scheduled to go into effect.
Among the laws set to change at midnight on December 
31, 2012, are the end of last year’s temporary payroll tax 
cuts (resulting in a 2% tax increase for workers), the end 
of certain tax breaks for businesses, shifts in the 
alternative minimum tax that would take a larger bite, a 
rollback of the "Bush tax cuts" from 2001-2003, and the 
beginning of taxes related to President Obama’s health 
care law. At the same time, the spending cuts agreed 
upon as part of the debt ceiling deal of 2011 will begin to 
go into effect. According to Barron's, over 1,000 
government programs - including the defense budget 
and Medicare are in line for "deep, automatic cuts."
In dealing with the fiscal cliff, U.S. lawmakers have a 
choice among three options, none of which are 
particularly attractive:
  • They can let the current policy scheduled for the beginning of 2013 – which features a number of tax increases and spending cuts that are expected to weigh heavily on growth and possibly drive the economy back into a recession – go into effect. The plus side: the deficit would fall significantly.
  • They can cancel some or all of the scheduled tax increases and spending cuts, which would add to the deficit and increase the odds that the United States could face a crisis similar to that which is occurring in Europe. The flip side of this, of course, is that the United States' debt will continue to grow.
  • They could take a middle course, opting for an approach that would address the budget issues to a limited extent, but that would have a more modest impact on growth.
Can a Compromise be Reached?
The oncoming fiscal cliff is a concern for investors since 
the highly partisan nature of the current political 
environment could make a compromise difficult to reach.
 This problem isn't new, after all: lawmakers have had 
over a year to address this issue, but Congress – mired 
in political gridlock – has largely put off the search for a 
solution rather than seeking to solve the problem 
directly. In general, Republicans want to cut spending 
and avoid raising taxes, while Democrats are looking for 
a combination of spending cuts and tax increases. 
Although both parties want to avoid the fiscal cliff, 
compromise is seen as being difficult to achieve – 
particularly in an election year. Currently, it appears that
 a meaningful deal won't be reached until after the 
December 31 deadline.
The most likely outcome is another set of stop-gap 
measures that would delay a more permanent policy 
change. Still, the non-partisan Congressional Budget 
Office (CBO) estimates that if Congress takes the middle 
ground – extending the Bush-era tax cuts but cancelling 
the automatic spending cuts – the result, in the short 
term, would be modest growth but no major economic 
Possible Effects of the Fiscal Cliff
If the current laws slated for 2013 went into effect 
permanently, the impact on the economy would be 
dramatic. While the combination of higher taxes and 
spending cuts would reduce the deficit by an estimated 
$560 billion, the CBO also estimates that the policy would 
reduce gross domestic product (GDP) by four 
percentage points in 2013, sending the economy into a 
recession (i.e., negative growth). At the same time, it 
predicts unemployment would rise by almost a full 
percentage point, with a loss of about two million jobs.
A Wall St. Journal article from May 16, 2012 estimates the 
following impact in dollar terms: “In all, according to an 
analysis by J.P. Morgan economist Michael Feroli, $280 
billion would be pulled out of the economy by the 
sunsetting of the Bush tax cuts; $125 billion from the 
expiration of the Obama payroll-tax holiday; $40 billion 
from the expiration of emergency unemployment 
benefits; and $98 billion from Budget Control Act 
spending cuts. In all, the tax increases and spending 
cuts make up about 3.5% of GDP, with the Bush tax cuts 
making up about half of that, according to the J.P. 
Morgan report.” Amid an already-fragile recovery and 
elevated unemployment, the economy is not in a position 
to avoid this type of shock.
The Term "Cliff" is Misleading
It's important to keep in mind that while the term “cliff” 
indicates an immediate disaster at the beginning of 2013,
 this isn't a binary (two-outcome) event that will end in 
either a full solution or a total failure on December 31. 

There are two important reasons why this is the case:
1) If all of the laws went into effect as scheduled and 
stayed in effect, the result would undoubtedly be a return
 to recession. However, Congress continues to work 
toward a deal that will alleviate the effects in some form.
 The chances that such a deal won't be reached at some 
point are slim.
2) Even if the deal does not occur before December 31, 
as appears likely, Congress can - and almost certainly 
will - act to change the scheduled laws retroactively to 
January 1 after the deadline.

At he same time, even a solution isn't 
necessarily positive, since a compromise
will likely to involve higher taxes or 
reduced spending in some form- both of 
which would help reduce the debt but
would be negative for economic growth.
With this as background, it is important to
keep in mind that the concept of "going 
over the cliff" is largely a media creation 
since even a failure to reach a deal by
December 31st doesn't means that a 
recession and financial markets across the
globe will crash.....
Keeping this issue in consideration Nifty 
shall remain very volatile...........
On any adversity the outcome of the Fiscal
Cliff decision will have domino effect on
the global economy and markets...
No doubt the markets across the globe will
take a correction and the Indian markets
too... Nifty/Sensex could correct to 5% to 
10% ( Nifty could test 5300-5400) and in
 that case a best buying opportunity will 
be there.  Just as I am writing this analysis
 and projection many other analysts of 
much higher experience than me are ready
 to grab the opportunity.
CAUTION should be borne in mind that the
correction so triggered could have impact 
for 5-6 months in our markets too... Hence 
its advisable to reduce the leveraged
position(s) and hedge the portfolio for 
correction of 10% in Index and 25%-30% in
stocks, BUT that will be best buying
MY SOURCES SAY "Indian markets shall 
correct for at least 5% to 5600 levels...."
Fresh buying should be considered only 
after the event. Hence we are waiting for 
the same to come. Apart from this on the 
normal circumstances Nifty could touch to
 6100-6150 by the next 15-20 days of 
January 2013......

Consider the following Stocks to buy on 
any crash or deep correction:
Technically: The daily charts of Nifty is 
showing that it has been moving in the 
range of 5800 to 5975 since last one month.
 Analysts expect that this range bound 
movement will continue for some more 
time, until the clarity over the Fiscal Cliff 
If Nifty breaches 5800, it may further go 
down to 5730 and 5630 ( I fore see to 5400 
if the poor news comes...)
How ever on any relief from the heavy 
sentiment Nifty if able to sustain above 
5950, could rally to 6030 & 6080 levels, or 
even more to 6130-6150.

My View: Watch the developments and 
book profit near 6030 levels and keep cash. 
We could see 200-300 correction to start 
buying if there is negative news or we shall 
miss the rally of 100-150 points in Nifty and 
 buy the quality trading stocks..Hence I am 
not recommending any trading position for 
the this week...rather suggesting to buy 
aggressively for investment keeping 5-6 
months view as Nifty shall rise to 6500+++ 
gradually.......Stock news only after the 
Good Luck and Happy new Year...
Any one wishing to consult shall feel free to 
dial 09335 97 67 22.

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