Markets recovered on Friday last week after the September settlement on strong global cues and rising value of Rupee against USD. Indices closed on flat note on weekly basis, Sensex closed at 18762.74 and Nifty at 5703.30
As said previously Indian markets will continue to outperform on back of reforms in key sectors and increased liquidity flows led by FIIs. As per the information from sources, some key structural reforms in Infra, Power, Oil & Gas are on the table of Government for introduction very soon. These reforms may also affect the other sectors, like Banking & Financing very positively.
Hence these fundamental changes could not be ignored. Markets will anticipate the growth ( with re-rating and attributing of increased PE) and rise in EPS of due to higher margins of India Inc. Hence the fundamental changes now will be priced in markets. Hence Indices will rise, Sensex to 19,000-19,700 and Nifty to 5,900-6,000 initially and then there will be big jump by next year before budget. As per my view Indices shall make new highs very soon..... Hence any fall or correction on any negative news from the globe or home, should be utilized to buy selective Stocks for medium term( 6-8 months) and Long term (3-5 years).
Technically speaking Nifty will face stiff resistance around 5750 levels and if it is able to maintain above this level then the upward rally might carry it to 5810-20 and there after to 5900-5920. On the other hand breach of 5500 would indicate end of the current rally and then in that case Nifty will test 5200-5150. Hence all those who have long in trading position should keep strict stop-loss of 5500.
FOR THIS WEEK: No trading zone for the Nifty is 5620-5730.
Buy Calls or buy Nifty Future, if Nifty moves above 5730, keeping stop-loss of 5620 for the target of 5820-5900.
Buy Puts or sell Nifty Future, if Nifty breaks below 5620, keeping stop-loss of 5730 for the target of 5560-5500.
Following Stocks looks good to buy in delivery for 45-60 days holding:
1. OFSS(3011.00): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 3100-3250-3450+++(Can buy in Trading A/c too-sl 2840)
2. ARVIND (79.85): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 100+++ (Can buy in Trading A/c too-sl 74.00)
3 LUPIN(596.30): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 610-630-655+++(Can buy in Trading A/c too-sl 580)
4. ITC(271.90): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 285-300-310+++(Can buy in Trading A/c too-sl 259)
5. KRBL(24.75): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 28-32-35+++
6. GATI (40.70): Buy at cmp and/or on correction for the target of 48-55-60-65+++
7. BATA(979.55): Buy at cmp and/or on correction for the target of 1000-1040-1100-1250+++
8. ALEMBIC PHARMA(71.50): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 80-88-94+++
9. DELTA CORP(70.70): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 78-85-90-100-115+++( This Stock may rise huge in short term. Buy to hold till Deepawali and beyond)
10. WOCKHARDT (1292.75): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 1360-1420-1500-1650+++(Can buy in Trading A/c too-sl 1230)
Safe Harbor Statement:
Some forward looking statements on projections, estimates, expectations & outlook are included to enable a better comprehension of the Company prospects. Actual results may, however, differ materially from those stated on account of factors such as changes in government regulations, tax regimes, economic developments within India and the countries within which the Company conducts its business, exchange rate and interest rate movements, impact of competing products and their pricing, product demand and supply constraints.Nothing in this article is, or should be construed as, investment advice.
This is neither an offer nor a solicitation to purchase or sell securities. The information and views contained on this blog are believed to be reliable, but no responsibility (or liability) is accepted for errors of fact or opinion. Writers and contributors may be trading in, or have positions in the securities mentioned in their articles. Neither I (Vikas Srivastava) nor any of the contributors accepts any liability arising out of use of the above information/article. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.
As said previously Indian markets will continue to outperform on back of reforms in key sectors and increased liquidity flows led by FIIs. As per the information from sources, some key structural reforms in Infra, Power, Oil & Gas are on the table of Government for introduction very soon. These reforms may also affect the other sectors, like Banking & Financing very positively.
Hence these fundamental changes could not be ignored. Markets will anticipate the growth ( with re-rating and attributing of increased PE) and rise in EPS of due to higher margins of India Inc. Hence the fundamental changes now will be priced in markets. Hence Indices will rise, Sensex to 19,000-19,700 and Nifty to 5,900-6,000 initially and then there will be big jump by next year before budget. As per my view Indices shall make new highs very soon..... Hence any fall or correction on any negative news from the globe or home, should be utilized to buy selective Stocks for medium term( 6-8 months) and Long term (3-5 years).
Technically speaking Nifty will face stiff resistance around 5750 levels and if it is able to maintain above this level then the upward rally might carry it to 5810-20 and there after to 5900-5920. On the other hand breach of 5500 would indicate end of the current rally and then in that case Nifty will test 5200-5150. Hence all those who have long in trading position should keep strict stop-loss of 5500.
FOR THIS WEEK: No trading zone for the Nifty is 5620-5730.
Buy Calls or buy Nifty Future, if Nifty moves above 5730, keeping stop-loss of 5620 for the target of 5820-5900.
Buy Puts or sell Nifty Future, if Nifty breaks below 5620, keeping stop-loss of 5730 for the target of 5560-5500.
Following Stocks looks good to buy in delivery for 45-60 days holding:
1. OFSS(3011.00): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 3100-3250-3450+++(Can buy in Trading A/c too-sl 2840)
2. ARVIND (79.85): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 100+++ (Can buy in Trading A/c too-sl 74.00)
3 LUPIN(596.30): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 610-630-655+++(Can buy in Trading A/c too-sl 580)
4. ITC(271.90): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 285-300-310+++(Can buy in Trading A/c too-sl 259)
5. KRBL(24.75): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 28-32-35+++
6. GATI (40.70): Buy at cmp and/or on correction for the target of 48-55-60-65+++
7. BATA(979.55): Buy at cmp and/or on correction for the target of 1000-1040-1100-1250+++
8. ALEMBIC PHARMA(71.50): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 80-88-94+++
9. DELTA CORP(70.70): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 78-85-90-100-115+++( This Stock may rise huge in short term. Buy to hold till Deepawali and beyond)
10. WOCKHARDT (1292.75): Buy at cmp or on correction for the target of 1360-1420-1500-1650+++(Can buy in Trading A/c too-sl 1230)
Safe Harbor Statement:
Some forward looking statements on projections, estimates, expectations & outlook are included to enable a better comprehension of the Company prospects. Actual results may, however, differ materially from those stated on account of factors such as changes in government regulations, tax regimes, economic developments within India and the countries within which the Company conducts its business, exchange rate and interest rate movements, impact of competing products and their pricing, product demand and supply constraints.Nothing in this article is, or should be construed as, investment advice.
This is neither an offer nor a solicitation to purchase or sell securities. The information and views contained on this blog are believed to be reliable, but no responsibility (or liability) is accepted for errors of fact or opinion. Writers and contributors may be trading in, or have positions in the securities mentioned in their articles. Neither I (Vikas Srivastava) nor any of the contributors accepts any liability arising out of use of the above information/article. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.